17:30pm Opening remarks
17:45pm Screening of the film "No Asylum : The Untold Chapter of Anne Frank's Story"(75 min, subtitles in Japanese)
19:00pm Break
19:05pm Discussion with students
19:50pm Closing remarks
Tokyo Holocaust Education Resource Center
Embassy of Israel, Waseda University Chiune Bridging Project
Waseda University Volunteer Center
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
Embassy of the Netherlands
Embassy of Republic of Poland
The United Nations General Assembly designated January 27—the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau—as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. On this annual day of commemoration, the UN urges every member state to honor the victims of the Nazi era and to develop educational programs to help prevent future genocides.
Every year since 2008 Tokyo Holocaust Education Resource Center hosts the International Holocaust Remembrance Day in Tokyo. To commemorate this International Day, we are hosting a Japan premiere screening of the documentary film “No Asylum: The Untold Chapter of Anne Frank’s Story” by Paula Fouce.
The screening will be followed by discussion with students.
We would like to make this event an opportunity to learn with young people dangers of prejudice and bigotry and to promote tolerance, respect and compassion.
Fumiko Ishioka, Director, Tokyo Holocaust Education Resource Center
MA in Development Studies at Leeds University(UK). After working as a temporary staff at the UN Policy Division at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 2 years, she started working as director of the Tokyo Holocaust Education Resource Center in 1998. Protagonist of the award-winning children's book “Hana’s Suitcase” and the documentary film “Inside Hana's Suitcase”). She received an Honorary Ph.D in Education from York University in Canada in 2006. THERC’s outreach programs have visited more than 900 schools and reached out to 200,000 students. She also lectures at Kobe Gakuin University since 2008 and Aichi University of Education since 2010.
Committee for Anne Frank’s Roses,
Tokyo Jogakkan Middle School & High School
Anne Frank’s Roses Committee consists of students aged between 13 and 18. They take care of special roses named after Anne Frank, which was originally sent to Japan from Otto Frank, father of Anne Frank. They hold a Community Day of Grafting Roses every year in January. In November they present a series of panel exhibition on various theme of the Holocaust and Peace. This year they made a presentation on “kindertransport”.
Shonan Gakuen Junior & Senior High School
As a part of the global education programs, Shonan Gakuen sends their students on study tours abroad. One of them includes visits to Poland and Lithuania. Those students who participated in the tour is giving presentations at the symposium on January 28, entitled “Auschwitz seen through the eyes of Japanese students – What we learn from the Holocaust today”.

Chiune Bridging Project, Waseda University
Chiune Bridging Project(BPJ) is a student volunteer group officially registered with the Waseda University Volunteer Center. Their activities promote understanding of the horrors of war and importance of peace by sharing the story of Sugihara Chiune. He is a Japanese diplomat who helped Jewish refugees escape from Europe by issuing Japanese transit visas. BPJ sends members to the Sugihara Memorial Museum in Lithuania to do a volunteer guide. They also visit high schools to give lectures.